Aim and strategy

The aim is to classify the ohnolog (Ss4R) and ortholog relationship between Atlantic salmon and Rainbow trout genes and represent this as a table. These relationships are fully defined by the gene-tree but can be obscured by incorrect gene-tree estimation and/or delayed re-diploidisation. While there has been some large scale rearrangments and most of the duplicated chromosomes have fused with other chromosomes, the vast majority of duplicated genes are found in large syntenic/co-linear blocks. This retained synteny can be used to identify/verify the relationship in clades where the phylogeny is not clear.

The strategy is to:

  1. Extract the salmonid+pike clades from the larger gene-trees. Pike, the closest pre-WGD lineage, is included to ensure that the clade includes both of the duplicated salmonid clades.
  2. Select the clades with 2:2 salmon and trout orthologs.
  3. Check the phylogeny of these 2:2 clades and keep those with phylogeny in agreement with Ancestral Ortholog Resolution (AORe), i.e. there are two clades, each with one salmon and one trout ortholog.
  4. Count occurences of chromosome combinations in the 2:2 AORe clades and define the most common as syntenic chromosome quartets.
  5. Use these to verify synteny of incomplete clades (i.e. 2:1, 2:0, 1:1)
  6. In addition, the phylogeny (i.e. LORe/AORe) of the 2:2 clades can transferred to non 2:2 by proximity. (i.e. identifying putative LORe regions)
# Subset of species in Ensembl 106 compara trees

spcTree <- read.tree("data/Ens106s/spcTree.nw")
OGtbl <- readRDS("data/Ens106s/OGtbl.RDS")

Omyk_genePos <- read_tsv("",
Ssal_genePos <- read_tsv("",

Table structure


  • subOG - unique identifier for the pike+salmonid (Protacanthopterygii) clade/orthogroup
  • AB - Designates the A or B duplicate syntenic chromosome quartet. NA if synteny not verifiable. Note that it does not make sense to use this in LORe regions.
  • spc - Species (Ssal/Omyk)
  • geneID - Ensembl gene id
  • chr - Chromosome (formatted, e.g. “Omy05”. Might want to keep the original name?)
  • start, end, strand
  • nSsal, nOmyk - Number of genes in clade per species (used to filter, e.g. 2:2, 2:1, 1:1, 2:0, 1:0)
  • synteny - Syntenic chromosome quartet “((Omy,Ssa),(Omy,Ssa))”. NA - not consistent with major quartet, i.e. synteny not verified. For 2:1, 2:0 and 1:1 clades, it will be set if it is a partial match. In the case where partial match is ambiguous it will be NA.
  • phylogeny - LORe/AORe or the actual phylogeny if cryptic. Only for 2:2 clades. Otherwise NA
  • proxiSynteny - Proximal quartet. For non 2:2 clades, fetch the synteny from nearest 2:2 clade in synteny (within 1MB)
  • proxiPhylogeny - Proximal phylogeny, i.e. LORe/AORe from nearest 2:2 clades in synteny. (Use majority vote of 5 nearest)
  • reciprocalLoss - TRUE/FALSE, but only for 1:1 clades with proxyPhylogeny=AORe in both copies, otherwise NA

The purpose of the table is to easily pick out certain classes of clades. As it is now we can easily pick out 2:2,1:2 etc.. by the nSsal and nOmyk columns. The verified synteny (synteny != NA) can be used to select high confidence clades.

Limitations: This table is very focused on Salmon+Trout and may not be suitable when e.g. only looking at one of the species. Clades with extra paralogs, i.e. more than two copies per species, are excluded.

Get clades from gene-trees

# Table of all Salmon-Trout genes from ortholog groups at the Protacanthopterygii level
tbl <-
  OGtbl %>% 
  select(subOG=Protacanthopterygii, spc, geneID) %>%  filter(spc %in% c("Omyk","Ssal")) %>% 
  left_join( rbind(Omyk_genePos,Ssal_genePos),by="geneID") %>% 
  group_by(subOG) %>% 
  mutate(nSsal = sum(spc=="Ssal")) %>% 
  mutate(nOmyk = sum(spc=="Omyk")) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate( chr = paste0( substr(spc,1,3) , ifelse(seqname !="Y" & nchar(seqname)==1,"0","") ,seqname) )

The Ensembl compara 106 gene-trees are used to identify ortholog-groups/clades containing salmonids+pike (Corresponds to the “Protacanthopterygii” node in the species tree). These clades should include both of the duplicated salmonid clades. There are 28633 such clades.

tbl %>% 
  select(subOG,nSsal,nOmyk) %>% distinct() %>% 
  mutate(nSsal = ifelse(nSsal>=5,"5+",nSsal)) %>% 
  mutate(nOmyk = ifelse(nOmyk>=5,"5+",nOmyk)) %>%
  count(nSsal,nOmyk) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=nSsal,y=nOmyk,fill=n)) + geom_tile() + geom_text(aes(label=n)) + 
  scale_fill_gradient("clades",low = "white",high="red",) + theme_classic() +
  ylab("Rainbow trout genes in clade") + xlab("Atlantic salmon genes in clade")

The 10983 clades with two copies in both species (i.e. 2:2 clades) are used to identify chromosome quartets and their phylogenic.


allTrees <- readRDS("data/Ens106s/allTrees.RDS")

# get phylogeny (as newick string) sorted by tip.labels
getSorted <- function(phylo,node=setdiff(phylo$edge[,1],phylo$edge[,2])){
  if( node <= Ntip(phylo)){
    # if tip return tip.label
    return( list(sortValue = phylo$tip.label[node], str = phylo$tip.label[node]))
  } else{
    # if clade recall on children
    children <- phylo$edge[phylo$edge[,1]==node,2]
    for( child in children){
      x <- rbind(x,Recall(phylo,node=child))
    # sort
    x = x[order(x$sortValue),] 
    #and return list(sortValue = sortValue1, str = "(str1,str2)")
    return( list(
      sortValue = paste(x$sortValue,collapse=","),
      str = paste0("(",paste(x$str,collapse=","),")")

getPhyloSorted <- function(subOG,geneIDs,sortlabels){
  subTree <- 
    allTrees[[sub("\\..*","",subOG)]]@phylo %>% 
    keep.tip(which(sub("^(.*)_(....)$","\\1",.$tip.label) %in% geneIDs)) 
  subTree$tip.label <- sortlabels[match(sub("(.*)_(....)$","\\1",subTree$tip.label),geneIDs)]

tbl22 <- 
  tbl %>% 
  filter(nSsal==2,nOmyk==2) %>% 
  group_by(subOG) %>% 
  mutate( chrSorted = paste(sort(chr),collapse = ",")) %>% 
  mutate(chrPhylo=getPhyloSorted(subOG = subOG[1],geneIDs = geneID,sortlabels = chr)) %>% 
  mutate(spcPhylo=getPhyloSorted(subOG = subOG[1],geneIDs = geneID,sortlabels = spc)) %>% 
  mutate( ORe = case_when(
    spcPhylo == "((Omyk,Ssal),(Omyk,Ssal))" ~ "AORe",
    spcPhylo == "((Omyk,Omyk),(Ssal,Ssal))" ~ "LORe",
    TRUE ~ "cryptic")) %>% 

Each clade can be divided into three category of phylogeny:

  • Ancestral ortholog resolution (AORe)
  • Lineage specific ortholog resolution (LORe)
  • Neither (cryptic)
n = tbl22 %>% select(subOG,ORe) %>% distinct() %>% with(table(ORe))
plot.phylo(x.lim = 5,read.tree(text = "((Omy,Ssa),(Omy,Ssa));"),type = "c",
     main=paste("AORe n =", n["AORe"]))

plot(read.tree(text = "((Omy,Omy),(Ssa,Ssa));"),type = "c",
     main=paste("LORe n =", n["LORe"]))

plot(read.tree(text = "(((?,?),?),?);"),type = "c",
     main=paste("cryptic n =", n["cryptic"]))

Syntenic chromosome quartets

Identify the most common chromosome quartets regardless of phylogeny (n>20). Assign the most common AORe phylogeny.

# Identify the most common chromosome quartets regardless of phylogeny (n>20) and assign a color to each
chrQuartColor <-
  tbl22 %>%
  group_by(subOG) %>% 
  filter( !any(grepl("[^0-9Y]",seqname))) %>%
  filter( !any(duplicated(chr)) ) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  select(subOG,chrSorted) %>% distinct() %>% 
  count(chrSorted) %>%
  filter(n>20) %>%
  arrange(-n) %>% 
  mutate( i = 1:n()) %>% 
  select(-n) %>% 
  mutate( color = randomcoloR::distinctColorPalette(n())) %>% 
  # Assign the most common AORe phylogeny.
  inner_join(filter(tbl22, ORe == "AORe") %>% select(chrSorted, chrPhylo), by = "chrSorted") %>% 
  group_by(chrSorted) %>% 
  add_count(chrPhylo) %>% 
  mutate( chrQuartet = chrPhylo[which.max(n)]) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  select(-n,-chrPhylo) %>% distinct()

# Assign the most common AORe phylogeny
tbl22 %>%
  left_join( chrQuartColor, by = "chrSorted") %>% 
  # reclassify "flipped" AORe to cryptic
  mutate( ORe = ifelse(,ORe, ifelse((ORe == "AORe") & (chrPhylo != chrQuartet), "cryptic", ORe))) %>% 
  mutate( color = ifelse(,"grey",color)) %>% 
  mutate( i = ifelse(,0,i)) %>% 
  mutate( chrQuartet = ifelse(,"Other",chrQuartet)) %>% 
  select(subOG,chrQuartet,color,i,ORe) %>% distinct() %>% 
  arrange(i) %>% 
  mutate(chrQuartet = forcats::fct_inorder(chrQuartet)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y=chrQuartet,fill=color,color=ORe)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(y=chrQuartet,fill=color,linetype=ORe),color="black",width=0.7,linewidth=0.5) + 
  scale_fill_identity() +
  scale_linetype_manual(values = c(cryptic="dashed",LORe="solid",AORe=NA),) +
  theme_classic() + theme(axis.line.y = element_blank())

# # Alternative attempt of the plot
# tbl22 %>%
#   left_join( chrQuartColor, by = "chrSorted") %>%
#   # reclassify "flipped" AORe to cryptic
#   mutate( ORe = ifelse(,ORe, ifelse((ORe == "AORe") & (chrPhylo != chrQuartet), "cryptic", ORe))) %>% 
#   mutate( color = ifelse(,"grey",color)) %>% 
#   mutate( i = ifelse(,0,i)) %>% 
#   mutate( chrQuartet = ifelse(,"Other",chrQuartet)) %>% 
#   select(subOG,chrQuartet,color,i,ORe) %>% distinct() %>% 
#   arrange(i) %>% 
#   mutate(chrQuartet = forcats::fct_inorder(chrQuartet)) %>% 
#   mutate(ORe = c(AORe=NA,LORe="black",cryptic="darkgrey")[ORe]) %>% 
#   mutate(ORe = factor(ORe,levels=c("darkgrey","black",NA))) %>% 
#   group_by(chrQuartet) %>% 
#   ggplot(aes(y=chrQuartet)) + 
#   geom_bar(aes(fill=color),width=0.7, just=0) +
#   # geom_bar(aes(fill=ORe),width=0.3) + 
#   geom_bar(data= . %>% filter(!, aes(fill=ORe),width=0.1, just=1 ) + 
#   # geom_bar(data= . %>% filter(!, aes(fill=ORe),width=0.2, position = position_nudge(y = 0.5)) + 
#   scale_fill_identity() + theme_classic() + theme(axis.line.y = element_blank())

n22inQuart <- tbl22 %>% select(subOG,chrSorted) %>% distinct() %>% with(sum(chrSorted %in% chrQuartColor$chrSorted))
n22notQuart <- tbl22 %>% select(subOG,chrSorted) %>% distinct() %>% with(sum(!(chrSorted %in% chrQuartColor$chrSorted)))
n22withScaffold <- tbl22 %>% distinct(subOG,chrSorted) %>% 
  filter(!(chrSorted %in% chrQuartColor$chrSorted)) %>% 
  mutate(hasScaffold = nchar(chrSorted) > 23) %>% 
n22withScaffold <- tbl22 %>% distinct(subOG,chrSorted) %>% 
  filter(!(chrSorted %in% chrQuartColor$chrSorted)) %>% 
  mutate(hasScaffold = nchar(chrSorted) > 23) %>% 
n22withDupChr <- tbl22 %>% 
  filter(!(chrSorted %in% chrQuartColor$chrSorted)) %>% 
  group_by(subOG) %>% 
  summarise(subOG=any(duplicated(chr))) %>% 

In total there are 10521 2:2 clades in 32 distinct syntenic chromosome quartets (observed more than 20 times and no duplicates on same chromosome). The remaining (Other) 462 2:2 clades include 182 clades with unplaced scaffolds and 197 with duplicate on same chromosome.

ORe_count <- 
  tbl22 %>%
  left_join( chrQuartColor, by = "chrSorted") %>% 
  mutate( ORe = ifelse(,ORe, ifelse((ORe == "AORe") & (chrPhylo != chrQuartet), "fAORe", ORe))) %>% 
  distinct(subOG,ORe) %>% with(table(ORe))

With the syntenic chromosome quartets we can now detect that 96 of 8941 AORe clades have “flipped” phylogeny, i.e. the orthologs are on the opposite chromosome compared to the majority. These are reclassified as “cryptic” phylogeny

tbl22 %>% 
  inner_join(chrQuartColor, by = "chrSorted") %>% 
  ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=chr,y=start,color=color)) + 
  scale_color_identity() + coord_flip()

Transfer phylogeny and synteny to proximal genes

The identified syntenic chromosome quartets and the AORe/LORe phylogeny can now be applied to the incomplete (0:1, 0:2, 1:1 and 1:2) clades by proximity. (This is done by selecting the 5 closest 2:2 genes within 1MB)


# use known 2:2 quartet
Y <-
  tbl22 %>% 
  inner_join(chrQuartColor, by = "chrSorted") %>% 
  # reclassify "flipped" AORe to cryptic
  mutate( ORe = ifelse(,ORe, ifelse((ORe == "AORe") & (chrPhylo != chrQuartet), "cryptic", ORe))) %>% 

# # for each gene in the 2:0, 2:1, 1:1 and 1:0 clades, get the ORe and chrSorted from nearest 2:2 quartets
# get the ORe and chrSorted from nearest 2:2 quartet
proximityTbl <-
  tbl %>% 
  # # Filter 2:0, 2:1, 1:1 and 1:0 clades
  # filter(nSsal <= 2, nOmyk <= 2, nSsal + nOmyk < 4) %>%
  # # filter clades with scaffolds or duplicate with chromosome
  # group_by(subOG) %>%
  # filter( !any(grepl("[^0-9Y]",seqname))) %>%
  # filter( !any(duplicated(chr))) %>%
  # ungroup() %>%
  select( geneID, chr, start, end) %>% 
  mutate( range_start = start - 1e6, range_end = end + 1e6) %>% 
  genome_join(Y, by=c("chr"="chr", "range_start"="start","range_end"="end")) %>% 
  filter(start.x!=start.y) %>% # remove self hits
  mutate(dist = abs(start.x+end.x - (start.y+end.y))/2) %>% 
  group_by(geneID) %>% 
  slice_min(order_by = dist, n = 5) %>% #sort by distance and select 5 lowest
  summarise(OReUnanimous = length(unique(ORe))==1,
            OReMajority = names(sort(table(ORe),decreasing = T)[1]),
            chrSorted = chrSorted[1], ORe=ORe[1])

Synteny verification

Clades containing genes on unplaced scaffolds or duplicates on same chromosome cannot be verified. Here are the number of such cases:

# first identify the "invalid" clades with either unplaced scaffolds, or duplicate within chromosome
tbl %>% 
  # Filter 2:0, 2:1, 1:1 clades
  filter(nSsal <= 2, nOmyk <= 2, nSsal + nOmyk < 4, nSsal + nOmyk > 1) %>%
  group_by(subOG) %>%
  summarise( hasScaffold = any(grepl("[^0-9Y]",seqname)),
             hasDupChr = any(duplicated(chr)),
             nSsalOmyk = paste(sort(c(nSsal[1],nOmyk[1])),collapse = ":")) %>%
  mutate( valid=ifelse(hasScaffold,"hasScaffold",ifelse(hasDupChr,"hasDupChrom","OK"))) %>% 
  with( knitr::kable(table(nSsalOmyk,valid)))
hasDupChrom hasScaffold OK
0:2 144 128 774
1:1 0 111 6168
1:2 199 237 2789

For clades with 2 or 3 genes (2:0, 2:1, 1:1) we can verify conserved synteny by matching the chromosome combination with chromosome quartets.

chr2quart <-
  chrQuartColor %>% 
  select(chr = chrSorted, chrQuartet) %>% 
  mutate( chr = strsplit(chr,split=",")) %>% 

# given a set of chromosomes, find the matching chomosome quartet
matchSubset <- function(chrList){
  chr2quart %>% 
    filter(chr %in% chrList) %>% 
    count(chrQuartet) %>% 
    filter(n == length(chrList)) %>% 

# Try to apply chromosome quartets for clades with 2-3 genes
tbl23chrQuartets <-
  tbl %>% 
  # Filter: only 2:0, 2:1, 1:1 clades
  filter(nSsal <= 2, nOmyk <= 2, nSsal + nOmyk < 4, nSsal + nOmyk > 1) %>%
  group_by(subOG) %>% 
  # Filter scaffolds or duplicate within chromosome
  filter( !any(grepl("[^0-9Y]",seqname))) %>% 
  filter( !any(duplicated(chr)) ) %>% 
  # Get chromosome quartets by chromosomes only
  mutate( chrQuartet = matchSubset(chr)) %>% 
  group_by(subOG) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  # Get chromosome quartets by proximity
  left_join(proximityTbl,by="geneID") %>% 
  group_by(subOG) %>%
            # only if they are in agreement within clade
            chrSorted = ifelse(all(chrSorted==chrSorted[1]),chrSorted[1],NA_character_)) %>% 
  left_join(select(chrQuartColor,chrSorted,chrQuartetByProximity=chrQuartet),by = "chrSorted") %>% 
  mutate( chrQuartet=ifelse(nchar(chrQuartet)>1,chrQuartet,chrQuartetByProximity)) %>% 

# count number of verified per ortholog type
tbl %>% 
  inner_join(tbl23chrQuartets, by="subOG") %>% 
  group_by(subOG,chrQuartet) %>%
  summarise(nSsalOmyk = paste(sort(c(nSsal[1],nOmyk[1])),collapse = ":")) %>% 
  with(knitr::kable(table(nSsalOmyk, ifelse(!,"verified","noMatch"))) )
noMatch verified
0:2 272 502
1:1 336 5832
1:2 167 2622

Note: These numbers are after removing clades with scaffold or duplicate within chromosome.

Reciprocal loss

For the 1:1 genes in syntenic regions we can identify reciprocal loss

reciprocalTbl <-
  tbl %>% 
  # get inferred quartets
  inner_join(tbl23chrQuartets, by="subOG") %>%
  filter(! %>% 
  # filter 1:1
  filter(nSsal==1,nOmyk==1) %>% 
  # figure out which clade of the chromosome quartet each gene belongs to

  mutate( chroms = strsplit(gsub("[()]","",chrQuartet), split=",")) %>% 
  mutate( chrIdx = map2_int(.x=chr,.y=chroms, ~ match(.x,.y))) %>% 
  mutate( cladeIdx = (chrIdx+1) %/% 2) %>% 
  # get LORe/ORe by proximity
  left_join(proximityTbl,by="geneID") %>% 
  group_by(subOG) %>% 
  summarise(reciprocal=cladeIdx[1] != cladeIdx[2],
            OReMajority = ifelse(!any( & OReMajority[1]==OReMajority[2],OReMajority[1], "uncertain"),
            ORe = ifelse(!any( & all(OReUnanimous) & ORe[1]==ORe[2],ORe[1], "uncertain"))

with(reciprocalTbl, table(reciprocal,OReMajority))
##           OReMajority
## reciprocal AORe cryptic LORe uncertain
##      FALSE 5099      12   59       362
##      TRUE   215       7   37        41

Put it all together

syntenyTbl <- 
    # 2:2 clades with synteny
    tbl22 %>% 
      inner_join(chrQuartColor, by = "chrSorted") %>% 
      mutate(phylogeny = ifelse(ORe=="cryptic",chrPhylo,ORe)) %>% 
      select(subOG, synteny=chrQuartet, phylogeny) %>% distinct(),
    # Verified 2:1, 2:0, 1:1 clades
    tbl23chrQuartets %>% rename(synteny=chrQuartet) %>% filter(!

finalTbl <-
  tbl %>% 
  select(subOG, spc, geneID, chr, start, end, strand, nSsal, nOmyk) %>% 
  left_join(syntenyTbl, by="subOG") %>% 
    proximityTbl %>% 
      inner_join(select(chrQuartColor,-i,-color),by = "chrSorted") %>% 
      select(geneID, proxiSynteny = chrQuartet, proxiPhylogeny = OReMajority),
  ) %>% 
    filter(reciprocalTbl, OReMajority=="AORe") %>% select(subOG,reciprocal),
    by = "subOG"
  ) %>% 
  mutate( AB = strsplit(gsub("[()]","",synteny),split=",") ) %>% 
  rowwise() %>% mutate( AB = match(chr,AB)) %>% ungroup() %>% 
  mutate( AB = c("A","A","B","B")[AB]) %>% 


Table looks like this:

subOG AB spc geneID chr start end strand nSsal nOmyk synteny phylogeny proxiSynteny proxiPhylogeny reciprocal
Ens106s00001.372 A Ssal ENSSSAG00000009676 Ssa04 45450189 45451352 + 1 1 ((Omy10,Ssa04),(Omy12,Ssa13)) NA ((Omy10,Ssa04),(Omy12,Ssa13)) AORe FALSE
Ens106s00001.372 A Omyk ENSOMYG00000038703 Omy10 41474987 41476150 - 1 1 ((Omy10,Ssa04),(Omy12,Ssa13)) NA ((Omy10,Ssa04),(Omy12,Ssa13)) AORe FALSE
Ens106s00001.377 NA Ssal ENSSSAG00000101679 Ssa18 995796 997140 + 19 21 NA NA NA NA NA
Ens106s00001.377 NA Omyk ENSOMYG00000019304 Omy22 43954409 44009807 - 19 21 NA NA ((Omy03,Ssa25),(Omy22,Ssa21)) AORe NA
Ens106s00001.377 NA Omyk ENSOMYG00000019294 Omy22 43953864 43955386 - 19 21 NA NA ((Omy03,Ssa25),(Omy22,Ssa21)) AORe NA
Ens106s00001.377 NA Ssal ENSSSAG00000048187 SsaCAJNNT020001670.1 184636 186277 - 19 21 NA NA NA NA NA

Now we can plot the number of genes per clade and the percentage of clades with verified synteny

SalmonTroutOrthologs <- read_tsv(file="SalmonTroutOrthologs.tsv",show_col_types = F)

SalmonTroutOrthologs %>% 
  mutate(verified = ! %>% 
  select(subOG,nSsal,nOmyk,verified) %>% distinct() %>% 
  mutate(nSsal = ifelse(nSsal>=5,"5+",nSsal)) %>% 
  mutate(nOmyk = ifelse(nOmyk>=5,"5+",nOmyk)) %>%
  group_by(nSsal,nOmyk) %>% 
  summarise(n=n(), nVerified=sum(verified),.groups = "drop") %>% 
  mutate( percVerified = paste0(round(100*nVerified/n),"%") ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=nSsal,y=nOmyk,fill=n)) + geom_tile() + 
  geom_text(aes(label=n),nudge_y = 0) + 
  geom_text(data=. %>% filter(nVerified>0), aes(label=percVerified),nudge_y = -0.3,size=3,nudge_x=0.1) + 
  scale_fill_gradient("clades",low = "white",high="red",) + theme_classic() +
  ylab("Rainbow trout genes in clade") + xlab("Atlantic salmon genes in clade")